Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I need a break.  And Joe really needs a break!  Today we have to do all the last minute packing for the packers who are coming tomorrow.  In a perfect world, we would have everything organized and labeled with its destination in the new house and all the trash would be trashed and all the surplus would have already been schlepped to some charity that wants it.

But this is not a perfect world, so I will be happy if I can get enough clothes and supplies packed away to last us four or five days so that I can put those out of the way of the packers.  People keep telling me that with three babies at home I couldn't have been expected to get much more done.  Which is true, I guess.  But it's also true that from now on we're going to have three at home and we're going to have to get things done.  When does the triplet excuse expire?

On top of that, I'm going to be out of school on Friday and Monday and just spent nearly an hour typing up lesson plans for my subs!  An hour of time that could've been spent grading papers, entering scores, calling parents, whatever.  But when you have 100 minutes to fill, curriculum to cover, and no guarantee your sub will speak Spanish (which is the subject I teach), it takes longer to spell every last possibility out.  Ugh.   And of course Friday is when I have my preparation period to get all the grading done I didn't get done today...but I'll be out.  So I can't tackle that until next Wednesday, at which point I'll have a whole new pile of quizzes and papers to grade!  AAARGH!

But back to the packing.  I know childbirth is a major stressor, and new baby/ies is a major stressor, and moving is a major stressor, and new home ownership is a major stressor.  So why is it that I'm freaking out more about the move than anything else?

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