Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happiest of New Years to you all!  This year, because we expanded our family we also expanded the size of our New Years Card - post card size was good enough when it was just two of us, but not anymore!  If you want to see what the cards looked like before kids, check out the history at New Years Greetings from the Salvatores.

We celebrated New Years Eve Day with Joe's parents in Livermore, then braved the traffic to get back into the City.  It was nice to realize as we approached a near stand-still at the toll plaza approach that we are now an official car pool and could get in the nearly empty lane at the side and pay a discounted toll.  Of course, if they snap a picture to confirm, we may have to point out the three rear-facing car seats in the back that are all filled with babies!  Fingers crossed!

Before leaving Livermore we stopped at a gas station and picked up a lottery ticket.  People kept teasing us that with our luck in 2010 (the great pregnancy, the healthy, happy, sleeping-through-the-night triplets, the Giants winning the World Series), we should play the lottery.  I've never gotten a ticket before, so I didn't really know what to do, but my father-in-law mentioned the words "quick pick" as I left their house, so at least I had the lingo.  We got 5 quick picks, which are identified as A, B, C, D, and E on the ticket - for baby A, baby B, baby C, Daddy, and Edith, we assume.  We'll see if our 2010 luck holds out for tonight's 1/1/11 drawing.  I guess we could have more fingers crossed for that.

Tom and Carla came over to help with the 9 o'clock feeding, then my family came over and we had a champagne toast at 10 to celebrate with Chicago (though CNN's coverage was from Nashville).  We slipped next door for a moment to make an appearance at our neighbors' party while my folks sat with the babies and were sort of a conversation piece there.  And then it was home to make sure the pops and whistles of the illegal fireworks up and down the block didn't unsettle the babies too much and off to bed for us.

We wish you all a very happy and healthy 2011!


  1. Love, love, love the New Year's card ... thank you! And the cute new head shots of the Salvateenies on the right side of the blog. Keep up the great work you two superparents! I'm impressed.
    Love and Hugs,

  2. My card just arrived today. Thank you for thinking of me. - Ryen
