Thursday, December 16, 2010

A page from the Salvateenies' Day-Planner

Thursday, December 16th

6-7am: Wake up (Daniel)
7-8am: Wake up (Max)
8-9am: Wake up (Caroline)

8:30am:  Begin to scream uncontrollably until fed (all)

9am:  Eat breakfast (yummy formula!)

9:30-10:30: Nap until Max has a nightmare (daymare?).  Then nap while Max screams

11:00-11:30: Mommy comes back from the dentist - get ready to go out!  This includes a little screaming, a little crying, and a little smiling - mixed together without regard for what might make any sense to Mommy or Daddy

11:30: Leave the house and head down to Mommy's work to meet everyone there at a PARTY! (they say it's not a party just for us, but we know we're the guests of honor)  Sleep in the car  (all) - except for about 5 minutes of crying (Daniel)

12:15:  Arrive at Mommy's work.  Look adorable for the students we meet in the parking lot.  Look even more adorable for the staff we meet in the building.

1:00:  LUNCH TIME!  Keep looking adorable.

1:00-2:30:  Keep smiling and being generally unbelievably cute for our adoring public.  People think we're the most amazing babies EVER.  Fall asleep in the stroller.

2:30:  Back in the car so Mommy and Daddy can run errands - stay asleep until

3:45:  Start crying inconsolably in the car so that Mommy will risk her rotator cuff and reach back to hold my hand while driving (Daniel)

4:00:  Cry while we're parked outside of Safeway so Daddy will play with me (Daniel)

4:30:  Come home.  Get some cuddle time with Mommy (Daniel) / Sleep in Car Seats (Max & Caroline)

4:50:  Force Mommy and Daddy to feed us 10 minutes early when we all have a melt-down

5:30:  Melt-down #2...after dinner and diaper changes, of course

6:00:  Company!  Time to be adorably well-behaved again.

7:15:  Company's gone - pouty party time!

7:30:  Mommy & Daddy have dinner - we'll let them have this one without incident until

7:50:  Start crying so Mommy will hold you and Daddy will feel bad that he can't because he's sick (Max)

8:00-9:00 keep crying - either individually or in rounds, but rarely in harmony until dinner time (Max & Daniel)  Caroline should chime in with high notes occasionally.

9:00:  DINNER TIME!  Make sure to look content enough that Daniel and Max go first, then start screaming so that they feel badly you've been ignored. (Caroline)

9:30:  Fight the urge to burp (All).  Finally burp and fall immediately asleep. (Max)  Wait long enough that it seems you will never burp, then spit up all over your fresh pajamas (Daniel).  Cry and look frightened, then smile coyly when Mommy comes to attend to you. (Caroline)

9:50-10:00:  Swaddles, hiccups, drooling, and finally...wait for it...sleep.

Gee!  That was fun!  Let's do it all again tomorrow, but this time with BATHS!

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