Friday, December 17, 2010

3 months or 13 weeks

On Wednesday the Salvateenies turned 3 months old, which also coincided with them turning 13 weeks old (which makes sense, now that I think about it, since 3 months is 1/4 of one year, and 13 is 1/4 of 52 weeks, but I was impressed by the symmetry of it at the time).  We were really busy this week.  Wednesday we went to Grandma and Grandpa's in Livermore and Thursday we went to Redwood City for the Staff Holiday Luncheon at school so that all my work friends could meet the babies.  And the babies were getting fussier.  Super cute when we were around other folks, but at home they were crying and crying between feedings.  (Turns out they were hungry.  We upped their feeding amounts and it seems to have lowered their crying volume...fingers crossed)  So we didn't get around to taking their "milestone picture" with Myrtle until Friday.

I thought Friday would be a great day to take pictures - we were giving the babies baths and dressing them up in adorable outfits for their Aunt Lee Ann's office holiday party at which they were making a command performance.

But, like the best laid plans often turn out, this seems not to have been the perfect idea:

 Daniel was OK with having the pictures taken, but his hood wasn't cooperating:

Max wasn't sure he liked what was going on:

And Caroline was REALLY unhappy:
 And by the time Caroline was happy about her picture, the boys were bored.
Probably a dynamic that will play out many times in the future.

We went to the party and the babies were the belles of the ball.  They got hugged and cuddled by a variety of people, ate their dinners without making too much of a fuss (luckily, as I had completely forgotten the bibs I meant to pack - including the one that says "My AUNT is Hot and Single" to embarrass Lee Ann), and then slept in their little car seats through all the hustle and bustle of the party.

When we got home, I tried again for some individual pictures, and everyone was in a much better mood:

I cannot believe that Myrtle used to be bigger than these guys!  Look how they've grown!!!!  And they're still only 3 months old!

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