Tuesday, December 21, 2010

And Caroline makes three!

Back in early November (or late October) I posted that Max had learned to roll over.  A few days later, Daniel repeated the feat, flipping easily from his belly to his back.  We allowed ourselves to get slightly puffed up about our incredibly precocious babies, until mid-November at their 2-month doctor's appointment.  The doctor off-handedly let it slip that it was not uncommon for preemies to roll over earlier than other babies, since they tended to weigh less and thus have less mass to move.

Sure enough, as the babies started packing on the pounds (the boys are probably around 12 pounds now, if not more), they stopped flipping over.  Instead, they lay there like their little sister.  

Miss Caroline had shown absolutely no interest in rolling over.  Unlike many babies, she seemed to really enjoy tummy time.  More often than not, she would find a baby mirror, position her head toward it, sigh, and lie there for what seemed like hours.  Preparing herself for slumber parties, obviously.  Then tonight, while sharing the mat with Max, Caroline was on her tummy doing her nightly pilates routine (a few upward-facing dog/cobra moves from her yoga training, then leg and shoulder lifts to build her core muscles...these complement the crunches she does any time we leave her lying in the boppy for too long) when I stepped out of the room for a second to grab some tape.  When I came back into the room - you guessed it!  Caroline was on her back!

And this time we were able to get her to repeat her "trick" for the camera!

As a side note, Max, determined not to be outdone by his baby sister, flipped over today for the first time in many weeks .  Daniel still hasn't rolled over since becoming a big(ger) boy, or perhaps he's just waiting to make sure he gets his very own blog entry when he does. 

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