Saturday, November 13, 2010

Time Management

12:42 - All babies have been fed, burped, and are dozing in their bouncy chairs.  Time to get some stuff done!  Most pressing? Take a shower!

On the way from the living room to the bathroom, I pass the stairs, where I see my keys, which reminds me that I didn't bring in yesterday's mail, which I need to do because the gift certificate for Tom's birthday present is in there and Tom is coming over this afternoon.  So I run down to get the mail, bring it in, go through the mail, and now it's..

1:02 - Babies are still sleeping, so I can still grab that to the bathroom.

Walking in the bedroom to get undressed for the shower, I remember my laptop computer is in there running a software update and it's almost done, so I wait for it to finish, then restart the computer, then remember there's a file I need to print, so I print it, then I check the internet connectivity issue the update was supposed to fix, and it didn't, so I should call Apple back and get the next set of instructions, but I can't because it's...

1:18 - The babies are crying and I still haven't taken that shower.

So I head back to the living room and walk a baby or two, and miraculously they all calm down at once.  And by...

1:28 - I'm in the shower!

1:42 - I'm out of the shower and my teeth are brushed and so is my hair and I'm opening the door to leave the bathroom and can faintly hear babies squawking, but they can wait until I'm clothed, so I get dressed and walk back out to where the babies are waiting and juggle them while I call Apple and follow all their recommendations until the computer works!

2:30 - all the babies are snoozing and I can catch up on the email I missed while my computer didn't work.

2:43 - the babies are no longer snoozing.

3:04 - time to start changing diapers and warming bottles

3:25 - Tom and Carla arrive just in time to feed a baby each - THANK GOODNESS!

Oh, and, p.s. - I typed this post one-handed while handling the next round of feedings.  Next I get to eat!


  1. love it! keep up the awesome work!!!

  2. Modern motherly advice (free of course): use more online shorthand, e.g., zzz v. sleeping or ?baby v. I lost one of the babies again! You know, keep the blogging short and you're have more time for zzz.

  3. LOL @ ? baby v. I lost one again. Now that's funny. Hey hope to see you sometime this week. Busy with MayFlower a few days. I will call!

  4. Julie - too funny! Hopefully I won't ?baby too often!

  5. I'm glad you got to take that shower! :) I had to share this post with my mom, she loved it! :) Your still my hero, her's now too!!!
