Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Not Moving Anytime Soon...

The plumbing inspector finally came to inspect the new line that was installed and the contractor got to close up the sidewalk.  I came home to find the cement being smoothed on the fourth of four squares of sidewalk in front of the house.

The cement was drying.

The babies were napping.

The choice was clear - wake the babies up!  I don't feel guilty - it was dinner time anyway.  We just took a little side trip outside to the wet cement to mark our territory.

First, it was Caroline.  Uncle Kelly kneeled her down in front of the wet square and she placed her hands wide apart as if she were going to start crawling.  I think I might tell her she was doing a handstand.

Next, Daniel came out.  The cement was a little dry on the left hand side, so that one isn't as sharp, but then again, maybe he's just showing an inclination to be a righty...

Finally, it was Max's turn.  He was NOT a fan of getting down on the sidewalk to stick his hands in the cement, hence the blurry prints.  I think it is a PERFECT representation of his go-go-go personality.

And here they are all lined up together:

Isn't it funny how much teenier Caroline's little hands are in the middle there?

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool! Of course I forgot to check them out on Saturday!
