We went to Grandma &Grandpa's like we do most Fridays. The babies were adorable, then had meltdowns, as usual. Anything that messes with their nap schedule is NOT GOOD, and it's just impossible to get them to sleep long enough on the days we go to Livermore. It's so sad, because I'd rather them be able to enjoy their grandparents, but if we don't go and mess up their schedules, then they'd never get to see them! It was good we got out, anyway, because the water was shut off again for much of the day!
Saturday was a spectacular day. Sam and Junior came over for the EXPRESS PURPOSE OF CLEANING MY HOUSE! We had some quick lunch while the Salvateenies were sleeping and then set in on organizing the changing table, packing up all the clothes they've outgrown, emptying the junk that's accumulated in "baby jail" since we first built it, vacuuming, organizing the diapers in the dining room, putting away all my clean clothes (which have been piling up in laundry baskets ALL summer), and hanging and folding/putting away the babies' clothes. All while feeding and playing with ALL FOUR BABIES! My brother stopped by at one point, since helping to organize other people's things and playing with babies are actually high on his list of things he enjoys, so that was a big help, too.
Normally, Junior is a really chill baby (as the kids would say) - you can set him down with a toy and he'll happily amuse himself. That day, though, he was really needy and clinging to his mama, which made it harder on Sam to get everything done that she'd planned (I am REALLY not complaining - what we got done still amazes me!) It turns out that he might have been a little shy about pooping at our house, as he had two big blow-outs once he got home, and that might explain his literal discomfort during our visit. And to top it off, he got two teeth the next morning! Poor guy!
Joe's colleague, Joe Rogers, had dinner with us and we talked him into feeding Daniel his night-time bottle. Amazingly for someone named Mr. Rogers, this was his first time feeding a baby. I think he looks like a natural.
Sunday, Joe and I worked at the Giants game. Stranger anxiety has set in with the babies, and Caroline was especially weepy as we left, which tugged at Joe's heart strings. Men! Such softies! (More on stranger anxiety in the next post.)
Monday I didn't get around to a shower all day; the babies and I just chilled in our PJs all day. Max has started crawling forwards a bit, Caroline has started crawling backwards, and Daniel is just now starting to roll/creep towards things instead of just sitting and looking pretty, waiting for someone to bring him what he wants (which, I have to admit, has been a successful tactic so far in his young life). The tooth update: Max has SIX TEETH, with about four more pushing through. Caroline has four teeth and a few more bumpy spots threatening to become teeth. Daniel also has four teeth, with one canine just poking out of his gumline. OUCH! Caroline has complained the most during her teething. Daniel and Max seem to take it more in stride. But the current batch are giving Max a hard time, resulting in a lot of Mommy and Max cuddling on the couch. I figure he's entitled to at least one day of whimpering over it.
On Monday we also picked up some second-hand goodies, including a music table. We thought it was something that the babies could all use together. Sadly, they were not in a playful mood when we got it in and set up:
And in uploading these pictures, I found a few more of Max and Caroline eating and of everyone showing off for the camera:
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A crinkly smile |
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A BIG crinkly smile! |
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Caroline's new pastime is trying to eat anything made of paper that she can find |
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Who are you? |
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Bright flash! |
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Can I have the camera? |
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Bright flash! |
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