Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Again, the things I take for granted...

I've recently joined a few Facebook groups for mothers of multiples.  Tonight, a women in the "triplets" group posted that it was her "first night without the monitors" and she wondered if she'd be able to sleep.  I cavalierly posted that we'd never quite gotten around to putting the video baby monitors in since we've moved and yet I've been able to sleep straight through every night, and able to wake up when the babies scream, but not when they just sort of whimper in their sleep.

She posted back that it wasn't baby monitors but rather apnea monitors that she would be going without - her babies, now 5 months old, had needed monitors to make sure they didn't stop breathing every night since they've been home.

In another post I learned that the Salvateenies are what is called "take home babies" - they came straight home from the hospital.

In other news, Daniel has a rash. :(  Joe noticed it on his neck this morning and I assumed it was because I'd put him to bed wearing his likely wet bib (you know, because I'm mother of the year).  But then when Joe changed his diaper a bit later, he saw the same rash around his belly button.  I came over and stripped his little PJs off and found it was also in his armpits and around the outside of his diaper cover, including an ugly sort of welt on his right thigh.

We called the advice nurse, who thinks it might've been because of a switch in laundry detergent (though the detergent was still perfume- and dye-free).  Since he had no fever, was still eating, and was in good spirits (he tried to flirt with the nurse over the speaker phone - just imagine if he'd been on video chat!), we were advised to give him an oatmeal bath, put some cortisone on it, and watch it.  It hasn't seemed to get better, but it also hasn't gotten worse, so we'll watch it for now.

The boys have also been going through a poop frenzy.  Last night, I had book club and Uncle Kelly called to inform me that Max had pooped all the way up his back.  As if he worried I had missed out on this amazing feat, Max decided to repeat the trick today - of course, after Daddy had left for work!  Then, while my friends Jocelyn and Jill were visiting in the evening, BOTH boys pooped through their onesies!

I think you'll all be pleased to know there are no photos to go along with this blog entry!

1 comment:

  1. They were just SOOO happy to see us, they couldn't contain their poop!! :)
