Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Visitors and more feeding exploits

On Saturday, the 'teenies got a lot of visitors.  First, Grandma stopped by with her friend Julia and Julia's grandson, who are in town for a few days to celebrate his bar mitzvah.  They were suitably adorable, but Daniel and Caroline were napping.  After their naps, they were met by Kate, who hadn't seen them since they were 2 weeks old or so, and Kate's friend Natalie:

Kate and Max

Kate and Caroline

Daniel and Natalie
 Then Eileen and Laurel came by to see them:

Daniel and Eileen

Laurel and Caroline

Playing coy

But making serious eye contact a moment later
 Everyone stayed around to help with feeding:

And following up:

We have been continuing with the attempts at solid food.  Caroline has taken to it quite a bit and drains at least a table spoon and a half of rice cereal (a good 3-3.5Tbsp with the formula mixed in - about an ounce), but the boys really are not into it.  In fact, they make such a mess, I kind of regretted giving them baths BEFORE meal time today.  So I dressed them up in their robes to rest and then to eat, putting on their pjs after dinner time.




Caroline has developed a little habit when she gets bored.  She takes whatever toy is in her hands (or her pacifier if it's handy) and proceeds to try to rip it apart.  Sometimes it seems like she just can't figure out how to put it down.  Max has learned how to roll from his back to his front and he does it often - getting his legs caught up in the supports of the activity mats and screaming hysterically while trying to extricate himself with little motions that look terrifyingly like pre-crawling.   And all the while, Daniel just sits in the jumperoo bouncing from side to side and cracking himself up.

Last night, I'm a little ashamed to say, as I was putting the babies into their cribs (yes, Caroline has her OWN crib now), I apparently put Max in Daniel's crib and Daniel in Max's.  Even more comically, Joe didn't pay attention to the color of their swaddles when he got them up (and, admittedly, they are light and pastel and not that different) and was shocked to unwrap who he though was Daniel and find Max's PJs underneath!  It's a good thing we don't dress them alike all the time!

This time I think I'll double check on my way in to make sure who is sleeping where.

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