Saturday, July 21, 2012

More communicating with the Teenies

Caroline is getting good at talking - she does it nearly constantly.  One afternoon on the way home from Grandpa and Grandma's, she decided to talk for the whole hour in the car instead of napping - lots of "car!"

Out of nowhere, she started saying "nose", so I started pointing out other face parts.  She has a really cute pattern of pointing to her nose when I ask her where it is, then pointing to her eyes when I ask for them.  When I ask where her mouth is, though, she opens up WIDE and then giggles.

She can also point out her hair, as you can see in the video.  One day I tried to teach her "elbow".  But each time I asked her where her elbow was, she pointed at her tummy, which confused me, because she'd already mastered "tummy" (by lifting her tshirt and smacking her belly, usually).  I'm embarrassed to admit how many times we went through this before she looked at me, frustrated, pointed at her belly button, and said, perfectly "EL-MO" and I realized she was wearing a red Elmo t-shirt.  Not the best day to try to teach "elbow", I guess!

And while we're talking about body parts, at Tahoe last week, I had to run out of the bathroom to grab my deodorant and seeing me topless must've made an impression on Caroline, as she spent the next five minutes pulling out the neck of her shirt and staring down her front, looking for her boobs.  Sorry, sweetie, you'll have to wait a little longer for those!

Max has become a very good kisser, taking me up on my offers and giving me big smooches back, always followed by his mischievous grin and a bunch of laughing.  When we got home from Tahoe, he came in and grabbed one of the little teddy bears we have and started smooching it, "practicing".  Then the other day I caught him practicing on his toy cars! (Sorry for the long delay as he was off picking his next car...)

Playing the opposite, Daniel has decided he doesn't like to give kisses anymore.  When I ask for them, he alternates his response between raising his hand and turning away or giving me an emphatic "NO!"  I don't take the "no" too personally though, because of the following exchange we had at the Lake last week:

Me:  Daniel, do you want to come in the water with Mommy?
Daniel: NO!
Me:  Do you want to play with the sand toys here instead?

Daniel: NO!
Me:  Do you want to go up to the blanket with Daddy?
Daniel: NO!
Me:  Do you know how to say "yes"?
Daniel: NO!

I know that a lot of toddler parents keep a log of new words their kids say, and I really did try to do it, but they're picking up new ones every day and it's confusing keeping track of who's saying what.  Luckily, most of the words are pretty recognizable - just be sure you know that when Caroline says "B", she means "bear", when she says "be bee", she means "ribbit", and when she says "beep beep" she wants you to get your car out of her way.

1 comment:

  1. I've never understood that "NO!" business. My nephew did that too.

