Monday, October 31, 2011


Yes, it is Halloween, and yes, you would think that would mean this post would be pictures of the Salvateenies in their first real Halloween costumes.

Don't worry, that will come later.

But their costumes are cute, not scary, and this is a scary Halloween post.

What is so scary???


For a week or so, he has been balancing up on his feet, squatting down a little, and jumping up in the air.  But on Saturday night, as we were sitting in the living room watching the Stanford-USC game go into its first overtime, Max stood up, leaned a little to one side, picked his foot up and shuffled it forward, then leaned to the other side, picked up the other foot, and stepped with it.  Then he fell over.

That was it.  Just two little steps, but you could see his eyes opening up to all the possibilities that lie ahead for him.

Meanwhile, Caroline continues to pull herself up to things, let go to balance a bit, applaud her achievement, and knock herself over with the effort of clapping.  You would never know Daniel hadn't been crawling forever the way he moves around these days, and he's cruising like a champion.

We'll count the days to see how long it takes the others to catch on to this walking thing...

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