Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stories I Might've Forgotten to Tell

I'm sure I mentioned the time that Max hit the right sequence of buttons on the phone to call me on my cell phone while I was in the other room.  I might have forgotten to mention one other adventure.

One day, when Joe was home with the babies and they were pretending to be well behaved, the doorbell rang.  When Joe went to answer the door, he was greeted by a police officer who was there to "check up on a 911 call" they'd received.

That's right - the babies had dialed 9-1-1!

The operator heard children on the other end.  They tried to call back to make sure everything was all right, but since they kept getting voice mail (since the phone was off the hook), they sent a patrolman out to check on everything.

The best part of the story, though, was Joe's Facebook status afterwards.  After explaining that SFPD came to the door in response to the babies' 911 call, he told them, "Listen, guys, if you don't want to take a nap - just say so!"

In other news....

Caroline has started standing without support.  She gets very proud of herself, starts to clap, and falls over, so she doesn't have any time records yet.

Max can whistle.  Apparently you do just put your lips together and blow.  At least he does.  Sometimes it comes out as a raspberry, but he's still learning.

Daniel would like you to take a peek at his first official screen credit - even if the screen is a computer one rather than a movie one...

We were able to get a copy of the full commercial (15 seconds - he's in the first 3), but were asked not to post it, so if you'd like to see a copy, email me and let me know! :)

Two weeks ago, we got our pictures taken at Baker Beach.  We're hoping one or two of them might work out for holiday cards this year, but it's hard to choose - there isn't one where we all look good, so how do we choose who to make look goofy?

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