Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week 28 and Opening Days

Many exciting things have happened this week.  Both Daniel and Max now have teeth - Max's sprouted on Friday night.  Since that was just two days after Daniel's, I sort of wonder if Caroline's teeth might make an appearance on Sunday, but somehow I doubt it.  We also introduced new exersaucers to the Salvateenies' play rotation, thanks to our good friends Chris & Jayanthi, who kept them for us when their kids outgrew them.  This means that our living room is now officially covered in baby stuff.  In fact, we moved the coffee table entirely out of the way to make more room for all the gear (and Max's barrel rolls, of course).

Both Max and Daniel seemed to enjoy the first exersaucer, but Caroline really got into it.  She carefully examined each toy as she spun around in the circle, making sure she knew what all her options were before she settled on a favorite:

On Thursday, the World Champion Giants opened their season, and the Salvateenies were ready to show their colors:

Sadly, the Giants were not victorious in their opener, so the 'teenies turned their attention to their other local team on Friday as the A's opened their season at home.  Daddy was at the ballpark, so the babes had to dress up without him (maybe that explains the lack of pants:

Daniel's practicing shagging fly balls!

The other exciting development on Friday was...Oatmeal!  We moved from rice cereal to oatmeal on Friday, and Caroline moved from liking solid food to LOVING it.  After two spoonsful, she was leaning forward with lips open for the next bite and grabbing for the bowl.  On Saturday Daniel followed suit, enjoying his bowl of oats.  Max is still not totally on board with eating with a spoon, but I'm sure he'll catch on.

Saturday, I was planning to spend a relaxing day at home with the babies, but as I checked my email before the first feeding, I saw that there was a Parents of Multiples outing scheduled for a playground out by Stonestown.  Knowing my mom was planning to head to Macy's this weekend, I called and asked her if she wanted to go, and quickly fed, bathed, and changed the babies and even squeezed in a shower for myself before we took off.  We got to the get together around 11 and stayed chatting with other parents until nearly 1, at which point I realized it was just about time to feed the babies, who had been accepting compliments throughout the event and snoozing on and off.

So we bundled them up and went off to the mall.  We rolled up to the Boudin Bakery and order a sandwich, salad, and two bottles of water to make formula with.  Caroline's first Ladies' Lunch!  While shopping for things for Grandma, we also snagged a couple of outfits for Caroline for the wedding she's attending this June.  Then it was off to pick up some ice cream (Uncle Kelly says every good outing should end with going for ice cream) and head home in time to rest up a bit before dinner time.  And tomorrow a whole passel of visitors are coming.  BIG WEEKEND!

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