Friday, October 1, 2010

Bath Time!

Wednesday was the Salvateenies' two-week birthday (just as an aside - I'm pretty sure we'll stop counting weeks as birthdays sometime before the 52-week mark, but don't hold me to it).  Rather than repeat the stroller and walk fiasco of last week, we chose to mark this week's milestone with ... drumroll, please ... BATHS!

The bathtub stuff we have is too big to fit in our stupid split kitchen sink, so we set everything up in the tub and I challenged my still water retaining knees to squat down next to it.

Max was the first for his bath:

Screaming in the bath!
In his hoody towel!

All clean!!!
And then it was Daniel's turn:


Quite the pose!

Check me out, I'm clean!
And finally Caroline:

Getting ready for the bath.

I'm braver than my brothers - no crying for me in the bathtub!

But, OK, maybe the towel is a little scary...

And now look at how pretty I am all clean!


  1. Awww, so cute x 3! I have this tub and it fits a double sink. Well worth the $$ to save your back.

  2. Gretchen - that is AWESOME! I will be ordering it first thing in the morning! Thanks so much!!!

  3. i love these babies! can't wait to meet them!

  4. WOW, are those REALLY two different pictures of the boys screaming? They look like the EXACT same photo. That is wild.
    Hugs to all of you!
