Tuesday, August 10, 2010

31 Weeks

The babies went in for their latest check-up and ... they've moved AGAIN.  Now, Daniel, who has been head-down since the very beginning, is breech (butt-first).  Max, who had moved to my left with his little feet kicking to my right, is now up on my right side, all curled up fetal position (the irony is intended) right next to his sister, who has not moved from the spot she has had this whole time.  She's in the "superior sac", which I'm sure she'll be very pleased to learn.

All the heartbeats are strong and they're measuring right around their appropriate gestational age.  As always, Daniel's a little bigger and the others are a bit smaller, but they're all within the healthy range.  Max's surprisingly smushed position made it hard to measure him, so his results are a little skewed, but still fine.  Daniel is projected to weigh about 3 pounds, 11 ounces right now, Max about 3 pounds, 7 ounces, and Caroline about 3 pounds, 9 ounces.  That's a total of 10 and a half pounds of baby!  Oddly, I'm actually much more comfortable now (aside from the swollen feet, ankles, and hands) than I was about six or seven weeks ago.  Hopefully it holds out for the next five weeks!

Part of every visit is the "vitals" - weight, blood pressure, and urine sample.  This was my first real weight jump - I'm now 5 pounds up on my pre-pregnancy weight (but remember, that includes 10.5 pounds of baby, plus placenta, uterine growth, all that extra blood, and fluid retention).  My blood pressure was insane - the first time it was checked it was 152/59.  The second it was 105/58.  When I check it at home it's been in the 130s/80s range all week.  But it wasn't too high, so they were OK with it.  And they said the urine sample didn't show that I was shedding any protein, so that was good too.  But they were concerned I might have a urinary tract infection so they sent me to the lab to give yet another sample.  It seems odd to me that I could have a UTI without feeling the symptoms of it - but if they can catch it before I feel the symptoms, even better!

In other news, Joe got his TDAP vaccination (Tetanus and Whooping Cough).  So now everyone in my family has it.  We still have to check on Joe's family - his folks are looking into whether or not they've gotten it recently.  And if you haven't, I recommend you do - especially if you want to come visit the babies!  There is a Whooping Cough epidemic sweeping through California and it can be deadly to newborns and infants under 6 months if they're exposed, so be careful!

Tonight is Joe's "Daddy Class" at Kaiser - we'll see if they can teach him to diaper a baby in under a minute!


  1. I get the "white coat" BP reading at the Docs all the time. Even when she doesn't actually wear her white coat! You can't fool my BP, it knows you want a performance, Doc.

  2. Ooh, that reminds me I need to get the whooping cough vaccination as well! I babysit a 9 month old and a few toddlers and I would feel preeeetty horrible if I passed on anything to them. I love reading your blog and hearing about the Salvateenies progress, by the way. I am so excited for you guys! What an adventure it will be!
