Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Speech Therapy

As I was preparing the kids for their first day at speech therapy, explaining that Uncle would be picking them all up to go to speech therapy the next day, but that only Max and Daniel would go to the class and that Caroline would hang out with Uncle while they were working.

The morning of their first appointment, they asked me their standard morning question, "Mommy, what are we doing today?"

So I reminded them - "You're going to school and then Uncle is going to pick you up and take you to speech therapy for Max and Daniel."  Max asked, "Why we have to go to speech therapy?" and without missing a beat, Caroline said, "You go to speech therapy so that we can understand you!"

That's about it.

So far, they've had five meetings with the speech therapist - once a week for forty-five minutes - and Grandma reports that she thinks it's working and she can understand them well.  I am withholding judgment as one of their favorite activities they do with "Miss Hannah" involves working with play-doh and they consistently call it "quohdoh" when we talk.

But they're working well and seem to enjoy it.  It doesn't hurt that Miss Hannah is young and pretty and pre-school speech therapy involves a lot of playing and blowing bubbles.  And she listened when Uncle told her that the second meeting fell on the kids' birthday and she had coloring pages and little gifts for all three kids waiting for them when they got there.

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