Wednesday, October 22, 2014

More random anecdotes

July - When we arrived at the kids' friend Brianna's birthday party, their mother introduced us to another parent as "party in a box!"

August - Caroline: Tomorrow, I'm going to work
Me: Oh? Where do you work?
Caroline: On the sand, next to the beach
Me: What do you do at work?
Caroline: Just watch people play baseball. It's very hard work. 
Then the three of them discussed the various baseball games they were going to. 
Daniel: Where's your baseball game, Caroline?
Caroline: I just TOLD you - it's next to the MUSEUM!
I want a map of this town with the beachside ballpark next door to the museum!

September - 
Caroline to Max: Poof! I turned you into a girl!
Max: Caroline, I a boy! I don't want to be a girl. 
Caroline: OK, to change you back from a girl, I have to change you into Two Boys. 
Mommy: Why is that?
Caroline: Because girls are cooler than boys so it takes two boys to be as good as a girl. Like how I have two brothers and there's only me for girls.

The children have discovered Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman on YouTube. As they say, my work here is done.  They also can sing the theme songs to Wonder Woman, Spider Man, and Iron Man: Animated Adventures.

October - 
When the kids want to be left alone on the potty, they say, "I need my pribacies!" I just told Daniel that and he responded, "NO! I don't want you to have pribacies!" Story of my life!

I asked Caroline what she wanted to eat and she said she wanted something cold, like ice cream or a popsicle.  I tried to point out that she needed some REAL food first and she responded, matter-of-factly, "Ice cream or popsicle - those are the two things you can pick from to get for me, ok, Mommy?"  Hilariously, I posted that to Facebook, and Grandma read it and texted me to say she was busy at the moment but she'd check in later, then she called later and asked what kind of ice cream I wanted. Thanks, Mommy!

Caroline was tooling around on YouTube and found BatKid…
"Mommy! Come here! There's a little boy and he is BATMAN!"

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