Saturday, July 31, 2010

Quick Check-Up this Time

It was "Photo Friday" again yesterday, but this was just the quick make-sure-they're-all-still-in-there check-up and didn't take too long.  Before my ultrasound I had a physical therapy appointment to check the progress of the carpal tunnel syndrome.  The finger pads on all but my pinkies are completely numb.  There is no pain, however, which is a major improvement.  The downside is that I've developed some sort of strain in my forearm ligaments, giving me a sharp pain in the wrist right beneath my thumb.  So I have some new exercises to do (and some bruising all down the inside of each forearm where the PT "massaged" the ligaments...ouch!)

Then it was back to collect Joe and head for the ultrasound.  It was an easy one this time, as I said - quick check to make sure the cervix was holding tight (it is), then an overview to find all the Salvateenies.  Last we knew, Baby A was head down, sort of straight up and down closest to the birth canal.  Baby B was then over to (my) right and alternated positions but was pretty much laying "transverse", or on his side.  Baby C (Caroline) was then up top on (my) left.  This time, Baby A's head is still down in the middle, but his legs are curled around to (my) right.  Baby B has squished himself into the space to (my) left of Baby A, and his legs are stretched across into the same area as Baby A's.  Caroline seems to be in the same place.  What was weird was that the space vacated by Baby B is where I tend to feel the most baby movement.  The sonographer thinks it's because there are four feet in that area, most likely taking turns kicking each other. :) It also means that right now, the majority of baby mass is on my left side, which may be why I'm so much more comfortable laying on my right.  The important news is that all their sacs are adequately full of fluid and their heartbeats look good.

The doctor came in to double check my cervix (still as it should be) and then we chatted about how everything else was going.  Again I was complimented on my positive attitude and lack of complaining.  That, coupled with the so far uncomplicated (knock on wood) progress of the babies led the doctor to tell me I'm the "poster mom for having triplets" if only I had any confidence that status would carry over AFTER they're born!


  1. ok my mom asked how you were doing again and when I told her, she complimented you in the same way your doctor did. then she asked how big the babies are and I said 5lbs each. she almost fell out of her chair. was I lying? where did I get that information?? p.s. I love that they're all a bunch of movers and shakers! ;)

  2. OK, so you did lie just a little bit. Two weeks ago the babies were measuring about 2 and a half pounds each - I assume they're about 3 pounds each now. We hope that they're at least 5 pounds when they're born, because then they shouldn't have to stay in the hospital for too long. :) They COULD even be bigger!
