Thursday, August 6, 2015

Back to the Sonoma County Fair

We had so much fun last year at the fair that we went back up to Sonoma for another go this year. And because it was my second time at a county fair, I was much better prepared for what to expect.  That's right, we bought the unlimited rides wristbands for everyone right off the bat so there would be no counting tickets and whining about not getting to go another time! Success!

The moment we wrapped those wristbands around our little (and not so little) wrists, the kids were off for the Ferris Wheel line. I don't know when they became fixated on the Ferris Wheel, but they talked about it for days before we went and they knew they wanted it to be their first stop. Max and Caroline loaded into a car with Uncle and I got to ride solo with Daniel, who has a slight fear of heights. Like anyone with half a brain, he was not terribly happy when we were stopped for people to get in and out, but when we were moving, he was thrilled - and especially when he could see into the other car and yell to his brother and sister.

I think they rode every possible ride for people their height and somehow this year they didn't want to eat everything in the place.

Max is too cool for school

He really wanted ice cream

Caroline got sprinkles

as did Daniel

The one downside of this year was the bumper cars.  The kids really wanted to do bumper cars and they were tall enough to ride with an adult, so we stood in a long line only to be told that we didn't have enough adults and that because Uncle and I were "bigger adults", the lap belts wouldn't fit tight enough on them. But in the end, he let us squeeze into two cars and bump our way around. We'll maybe skip that one next year.

At the end of the night, we let the kids play some carnival games. Caroline won a Queen Elsa balloon doll by hitting the strongman weight and ringing the bell. Then the boys threw bean bags and popped balloons to win "soft money" (little $100 bill pillows). There was another game where the kids picked duckies out of the water and depending what number is on the bottom they win a different level of prize. Caroline really wanted to play it, so we got everyone a chance. We got two entry level prizes and Caroline got a level 2 prize.

Unfortunately, she had her eye on the Hello Kitty from the top level. And she was tired. And hungry. And so she cried. And screamed. And threw a tantrum. I apologized to her, and Max chose a cool tiger for her prize and she got a red bear to match Daniel's blue one from level 1. But she was still crying. So we went and got food and sat down to eat. And she kept crying and screaming that she wanted a Hello Kitty.

And then Daniel and Uncle went in search of a bathroom and Max stayed and tried to cheer Caroline up.  And still she cried. And then, out of nowhere, a roughly four year old boy appeared and offered her a Hello Kitty doll. His parents came along behind and explained that Mom had won it, but only had boys and didn't really need it, and Dad thought maybe "it would help". It wasn't the one she wanted, and she was still crying - but Max came to the rescue.

"Oh, look, Caroline, that's a really nice Hello Kitty that boy gave you! You should say thank you to that nice boy for giving you a Hello Kitty. Look! It looks like the one you got from Grandma and Papa's! That's a really good Hello Kitty!"

And slowly but surely she came around and by the time Daniel and Uncle came back, she was beaming and showing off her new doll.

This child may never learn she can't whine and get her way, but at least it was a good end to the day.

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