Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Random Anecdotes

I have taken to "micro-blogging" some of the cute things the kids do or say on a daily basis.  If you follow me closely on Facebook, you've seen all of these, but I hope many of you don't have time to follow all of that, and here they will be saved for posterity and future embarrassment of the children in question.

June 9:  Daniel now denies requests by saying, "I do that on Wednesday, mommy!" Similarly, I'm totally in love with Max's incredulity.  He will take the most banal of statements - let's say, "We're going to have spaghetti for dinner tonight." - gets a huge response, "SPAGHETTI? FOR DINNER? I did not think we are having SPAGHETTI for dinner"  And it's the same pattern every time.  "UNDERPANTS? IN THE DIRTY CLOTHES? I did not think there were UNDERPANTS in the dirty clothes!"  Every single time.

June 6:  It is adorable that Max thinks the Max & Ruby books are "Max & Mommy" books, but it's also exhausting remembering to swap out Ruby's name every time it shows up in the stories!

June 4:  Gender Stereotypes, 2014:

Caroline and Daniel both have stethoscopes around their necks. Caroline announces, "no, Daniel. You can't be a doctor! You not a girl!"

Thanks, Doc McStuffins!

June 3:  The children are currently yukking it up in the bath with their new lyrics, "it's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse / come inside and have a fight".   Should I remind them the first rule of Mickey Mouse Fight Club?

May 29:  Today when we parked at Safeway:

Daniel: mommy, what's that on the window?

Me, looking at the gigantic penis drawn in the dirt on the store window: um, that's a picture that somebody drew there that they shouldn't have drawn. You shouldn't draw on people's windows. That's called graffiti. 

Caroline: what's a graffiti? that's a graffiti?

Me: well, the person drew a pee pee on the window. 

Caroline: Who did? A boy did?

Me:  Well, yes, probably.  It's usually boys who draw pee-pees on things.

Daniel, now next to the graffiti while I'm twenty feet away getting Caroline out of the car and people are walking by: THIS, Caroline, THIS is the pee pee that the bad boy drew on the wall. That is BAD. People shouldn't draw pee pees on windows!

May 21:  Daniel and Caroline, upon finding the box of hair coloring I bought at the store:
C: "That's for Mommy's hair"
D: (looking at the model on the box with a small gasp) "Are you going to look beautiful like THIS?"

May 21:  Tonight the kids insisted I take a bath with them. And afterwards, they all wanted to wear their towels "like dresses like Mommy does!"

After the bath, they got set up in their PJs and then got their chairs together and set up a "book corner".

May 19:  Max: "Row, row, row your boat, gently 'cross the street…"

May 11:  The best part of preschool has to be the Mothers Day crafts, popsicle stick picture frames, which were given to me Thursday afternoon by kiddos who couldn't contain their excitement (and who keep walking past these pictures hanging on doorknobs and saying "hi" to them - imagine a little parade of "Hi, Max!" "Hi, Max!" "Hi, Me!") 

April 20:  It has begun, Caroline calling out, "I need privacy!" to her brothers knocking on the bathroom door.  [This trend has spread, and Max in particular insists on his "pribacy" when he goes to the bathroom, including kicking me out of the bathroom.]

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