Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentines and Daddy's Birthday

This was the first year the kids really got into Valentine's Day.  They were invited to go to school on Friday (they normally attend M-Th) so they could take part in the Valentine exchange and "party".  This worked out well, since I had the day off for our 4-day "Presidents" weekend and could get a few things done with them out of the house.

We were told to bring 27 Valentine's and to sign them, but not make them out to individual students.  I made sure to get special outfits for everyone - Max got to be a "heart breaker", Daniel (who needed a short-sleeved shirt to fit over his cast) was a "knock out", but I really didn't like any of the Valentine's themed outfits for girls, so Caroline was delighted to get to wear a red Hello Kitty dress with a pink long-sleeved shirt underneath.

They each came home with a big bag of goodies from the exchange.  I had been sure to get Valentine's that came with stickers (from Daniel), or pencils (from Max), or even temporary tattoos (from Caroline), since the school is so strict about sweets in the kids' lunches, but sure enough their friends handed out lollipops and candies and cookies with their cards.  Oh well...

When they got home, we greeted them with our own Valentine's gifts - a little box of candies and a tshirt each - Daniel and Max got Toy Story shirts (Woody & Bullseye and Buzz Lightyear, respectively) and Caroline got a light blue Supergirl sweatshirt with the S, she noticed, in "sparkle pink".  In fact, she liked it so much that she insisted on putting it on right away!

Here they are digging into their loot:

And sending a message to Auntie in Chicago:

The kids then decided to empty the entire fruit bowl to make me a Valentine on the floor.  I'm not entirely sure what it was supposed to be - perhaps a windshield with its wiper up?

The holiday weekend continued on Saturday with Daddy's birthday.  The kids were super excited, since they knew that if it was someone's birthday, that meant they got to make cupcakes!  They also wanted to visit Grandma and Boppy, it turned out, so we brought all our cupcake making supplies to their house and commandeered the kitchen for our work.

They chose yellow cake, but wanted different colors of frosting, so I bought white frosting and tinted it with food coloring.  We also had a wide assortment of sprinkles for decorating.  

Daniel's getting a little help from Boppy

Caroline is helping herself (gotta make sure that frosting is tasty, right?)

Max surveying his masterpieces

Caroline may have sampled more than "a little" of the pink frosting!

The final product - tray one!

The final product - tray two!

Singing to Daddy!

And now singing to Daddy with SOUND!

Wendy snapped some pictures of what the kids were doing while we waited for the cupcakes to bake and cool.  Nothing cooler than a couple of empty boxes on Grandma and Boppy's porch, right?

And did I forget to mention that they also went for a stroll down to get frozen yogurt with Uncle?

Daniel's chocolate yogurt Van Dyke

Who would think Max could be the CLEAN one?

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