Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mommy's Birthday and Belly Dancing

For Mommy's 40th Birthday this year, we all (minus Daddy, who was at the A's playoff game) went out to our neighborhood Moroccan restaurant for yummy food and belly dancing!

The kids definitely liked the Moroccan bread (even if they weren't huge fans of the lentil soup and veggies that came with it).



 But they were not huge fans of waiting between courses.  First Uncle took them for a little stroll, then Auntie and I did.

Auntie is standing in the street, making sure no one makes a run for it.

Checking out the fancy door

When the belly dancer came out, everyone stared in amazement.  It was adorable, if a bit embarrassing when Caroline loudly pointed out the dancer's "boobies".

After three or four dances, she came around to our table and invited the kids to come up and learn to dance.  Caroline and Daniel were very enthusiastic (and even got Auntie to try), but Max preferred to watch from the sidelines.  I had spent a good deal of time before we left for the restaurant explaining to Caroline that "your diaper is your secret! don't show it off!" to keep her from pulling her dress up and flashing people.  She seemed to resent this decorum when it meant that Daniel got to pull up his tshirt and show off his belly while dancing and she, sadly, could not.

Max watching

Max did approach at the end to tip the dancer and thank her for the show.
Apologies for the dark in the photos and the videos below, but we didn't want to annoy folks more than we already were by using a flash!

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