Thursday, May 10, 2012

There Is No Point Trying to Child Proof

As you may recall, Caroline is a mountain goat.  She has climbed on so many things that we actually bought her a slide to climb on.  Here she is preparing for her Olympic slide routine:

Her brothers were a less-than-amazed audience:

But the newness of the slide wore off quickly and there were new surfaces to master.  While Uncle Kelly was babysitting, she decided to try to get up close and personal with the tv by climbing on the bead run.

When her uncle explained that was not an acceptable path to take, she decided to master the baby jail.  See how she gets her toes in the little opening to give her leverage?


But the grass is always greener on the side of the fence, and the surface is more attractive outside the baby jail.

It's amazing the way she calculates what she needs to do to get where she wants to go.  She is relentless.

After being told it was not ok to climb from the baby jail onto the media stand, she looked for another path.  The bead run had been moved away, so she had to improvise.

Yes, even with Mr. Potato Head's arm in her hand, she manages enough upper body strength to drag her little bod up onto the top, only to be carried immediately back down to the floor.  I swear we need to get this girl a rock wall.

Luckily, at Grandma and Grandpa's today she indulged some of her calmer pastimes, like checking out old photo albums.  She just loves looking at babies - even when that baby is her brother!


  1. Too funny - maybe she's climbing because she knows she'll need an escape root from her brothers later........ ;)

  2. Lord! I hate to say it, but I see trips to the ER in her future!
