Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Cute Anecdotes

And here are some highlights of the kids' antics that I've been posting on Facebook and forgetting to put here:

We made Caroline a paper tiara and she was just on the verge of being majorly disappointed by it when Max said, with no sense of falsehood, "You look beautiful, Caroline!" And she smiled and bounced into the other room to play. And he called after her, "And I really like your tights today, too. You look very beautiful today." Aww.

"Today at school we played 'Rich Boy' In that game we are rich and not afraid of things and we are in HIGH SCHOOL!" - Max

Four people in this house. Why do we have 19 tooth brushes and six types of tooth paste???

We watched the "Riley's First Date" short on the Inside Out DVDs, which features some prominent AC/DC music. Caroline, who has been fighting a cough all week and was home sick all day, got up on the couch, started head banging, and proclaimed, "I just have too much energy from this song!"

Daniel just referred to me as "the Salvatores' mommy"

Mondegreens so far this morning - 
"Slap out of it!" ("Because I don't know how to snap, Mommy")
"You may now kiss the wife"

A couple of weeks ago, Caroline asked what the bed bugs were in "don't let the bed bugs bite". Today she asked, "wouldn't it be funny if after the bed bugs came and bit you, if there were DOCTOR bugs who would come and put bandages on you? And then you'd wake up and say, 'why are there little bandages on my cheek?'"

Max is an equal opportunity Vader - he's alternating between telling Daniel, "Luke, I am your father," and telling Caroline, "Princess Leia, I am your father."

Daniel is a super hero named "UnderPants Boy". But sometimes he uses his secret identity as "Clothes Man"

Caroline, describing a classmate's Star Wars shirt: You know who it had on it? Darth Vader, Star-3PO, Sabacca, and Boba Fettttt!  (I also loved when they called him 3-PPO)

Max just called me a super villain because I told him we can't have Chanukah in the morning.

Daniel wants to be in middle school because he's "dying to have a locker". The drama!

At our Thanksgiving yesterday, the kids shared what they're thankful for:
Caroline: the whole earf and the streets and the sidewalks
Daniel: all the bonstruction workers who make houses for people to live in

Max: corn and everyone who made all this yummy food.

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