We got everything packed and everyone dressed and the lovely bell boy took everything down to store and we were checked out and waiting for a shuttle to Disney Springs to take us to lunch.
Because we had dining credits to spend.
So we had a reservation. Originally, it'd been at T-REX, but considering Daniel now hates dinosaurs, we changed them to somewhere else. But the map of Disney Springs (which is a HUGE, HORRIBLE outdoor shopping extravaganza) didn't show where the shuttle dropped off, so obviously, we were on the opposite end of the mile of commerce from where we needed to be.
So we decided to avoid that on the return and get a taxi. I logged onto the taxi app and ordered one, asking for it to pick us up where the hostess said they normally pick up.
Immediately when we got there, we got a phone call saying the driver had called and they couldn't pick up there, but we could go to the front of the theater. So we went there, but there wasn't anyplace to be picked up. So I called back and was condescended to and told I was in the wrong and I flipped out and screamed at the man on the phone and we did a forced march all the way to the other side of the mile of capitalism and found a nice man from a different cab company who loaded us into his van and was charming and got us back to the hotel with a whole 10 minutes to spare before our shuttle to the airport.
Then the shuttle guy wanted paperwork that we didn't have, even though our names were on his list. And he made us load our own bags.
It was the least Disney of our days, to be sure.
But we made it to the airport, where we checked all our bags, got our boarding passes, and went around the corner to meet Boppy. We hung out for a while chatting, drinking beverages that couldn't go past security, and getting in last minute purchases.
And then we had to enter the world's worst organized security line. Eight or so lanes condense into one mass throng and then separate out again. The kids all had their backpacks and rolling carry-ons, so they took up a bunch of space. And we got separated. I asked a teenaged boy who stepped between us if I could just scoot ahead so I could be with my kids because I'd gotten separated and he snorted, "Maybe you should just keep a better eye on your kids." He continued to make faces at me and I may have threatened his life and I may have run over his flip flop-clad feet with my carry on. But nobody can prove it, so I don't think it happened. I assume if I'd gotten in trouble for it, a jury of my peers would've been a box filled with Mama Bears who had been separated from their cubs by a mouth-breathing adolescent, though, so I think I would've been fine.

Things were looking up on the plane, where we had in seat Direct TV and movies. But then we had an hour wait (so the tv was comped) and turbulence (so the tv didn't work for half the flight). Caroline threw up on herself and didn't have a change of clothe. We were mid-turbulence and the flight crew was strapped in, but I got up and asked if they had a towel or something, as my daughter had thrown up. They shrugged and said no, but there were some in the lavatory. Ultimately, she took off her leggings and t-shirt and just wore her skirt and sweatshirt, complaining about the scratchy fabric on her bare legs. She squirmed back and forth, yelling, "I can't get comfortable because they make these chairs TOO STUPID!" Preaching to the choir, sweetheart! We wrapped her in Uncle's sweatshirt and she fell asleep after a while. Oh, and the flight crew never checked in to see how she was doing, either.

Daniel was similarly pouty and changed seats a couple of times. Max was perfect - he slept for the first few hours, then watched Wall-E and laughed his little Snoopy laugh and then deplaned like a pro.
When we finally got home, the kids were excited to be in San Francisco and to ride on the magic walkway. Both boys were upset they had to carry their heavy backpacks and I told them that I couldn't carry them for them because I had too much to carry. Daniel left his on the ground and walked in the opposite direction of the exit. I told him I was just going to leave it and Caroline sighed, reached over, and hefted it onto her own shoulder, looking at me and saying, "he's just too tired."
Uncle finally corralled Daniel and we got to the curb to wait for a shuttle, piled in, got home and unloaded.
To discover that I couldn't find our house keys anywhere. So Uncle had to hitch a ride with a neighbor over to Wendy's place to retrieve his key to let us in. It was now nearly midnight and the kids insisted on unpacking all their toys to play with. Oh, and making a cake for Daddy's birthday the next day. Thanks Grandma for the midnight run to Safeway for cake mix and frosting!!!
All in all, we walked over 50 miles that week, spent countless sums of money, and Caroline said her favorite part was playing in the pool at the hotel.
Of course it was!