Tuesday, September 11, 2012

And Other Activities

One of my online triplet mommy groups has a habit of getting into little feuds now and then.  There are distinct camps - the good mommies (these are the ones who know everything, and sacrifice everything for their children, and know what you're doing wrong and why you're lazy), the snarky mommies (these are the ones who answer every question with a quick, witty, and occasionally obnoxiously snotty remark - I like to consider myself part of this group), the clueless mommies (they're the ones who don't understand that the snarky mommies are making a joke or actually get offended that the good mommies think they're better than the rest of us), and, as in any group, the passersby, who just like watching the sparks fly.

Most recently, there was a dust-up about whether or not mothers of toddlers wash their kids hands before feeding them, since the kids are generally eating finger foods.  This devolved into any number of sub-topics involving good mommies criticizing others for being too lazy to set a good example and reminding us that just because we have three kids is no reason to be soft and snarky mommies snapping back.  I came late to the party and it was pretty much just silliness at that point.  But the next day, as the kids kept begging for Cheerios from the cannister, and then dropping them as they walked to the ottoman to put them down to eat, I took this picture and uploaded it with the accompanying caption.

My kids eating Cheerios off the floor.  But don't worry.  I washed their hands first.
See? Told you I was one of the snarky mommies.

On Saturday, while I was working in the "hole" at the Giants game, in an airless tunnel facing two seldom-used elevators and a tv, Uncle Kelly was at home where Caroline decided to do a fashion show:

Do you like my yellow hat?

She can put the hat on herself!

Doesn't she look like a rejected Hummel figurine?

On Sunday, Grandpa and Uncle Kelly helped as we cleared out baby jail and set up the kids' new art table.

They haven't quite gotten the idea that it's for art, yet.  But they will, I'm sure.

Max did understand that it meant he had to rearrange all of his "B"s.

(most people seem to fix onto Caroline and Daniel's wrestling match in the background, rather than Max's purposeful gaze as he marches off with his little bear army)

Then, Caroline decided to show off her "where's your...?" game for the camera, again:




Mouth (yes, those are the teeth that "will need braces")

And now in video form:

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