When Uncle Kelly babysat earlier in the month, he caught the following scene of Caroline taking care of her bear, "B":
He looks cold. |
Maybe it's time for a nap |
Better tuck him in! |
We were really happy to get to see our friend Thomas this month, and we all went out to dinner at Mel's, including Grandma and Grandpa.
Working on the color-in menu |
Here's what Daniel decided to do with the crayons. |
You can't tell from the picture, but Max really liked the salad and salad dressing! |
Uncle Kelly took everyone over to play with Grandpa while I hosted book club one night.
Caroline meets (and apparently terrifies) Smooch the cat |
At the end of the evening, Smooch still won't come any closer |
How they spent their time at Grandpa's house! |
Actually, the better story about book club, and the one I'm sorry I didn't get a picture of, was when I walked out of the kitchen to find my friend Pam sitting on the floor with a glass of cranberry juice in her hand and Max on her knee. The children will clamor for any beverage that is consumed in their presence, especially if it has the allure of being "off limits". Apparently Daniel had already taken a sip and decided it wasn't for him, but Max, at that moment, had both hands on the rim of the glass and his nose and tongue plunged into the opening, lapping up as much as he could reach. Pam was struggling not to drop him or the glass, and I simply couldn't resist the temptation to play snotty mommy and point out that my children have never had juice before. Pam took me seriously (well, I was serious - they do only drink water and milk - but they also beg sips of juice or ginger ale or root beer, so it's not like they've NEVER had anything else) and pried the glass away, sending Max into a meltdown that required a few moments outside on the steps to cool off. Whew!
We had one Saturday when we had TWO party invites! The first was a birthday party at a big picnic area in Woodside. The birthday girl even hired a "bubble guy" to entertain the kids (and adults).
Max popped a bubble |
Everyone decides playing in the sand is more fun than chasing bubbles |
Daniel goes for a run |
Caroline plays bubbles with Melissa (who is known for stealing her whenever the opportunity arises) as her husband looks on |
Just before this, Max clocked Caroline with a bubble wand. Just after this, I poured a full bottle of water over her head to get the soap out of her hair and eyes. |
Caroline did NOT want to play baseball |
Daniel, out standing in his field |
out walking in his field |
Apparently, Uncle Kelly informed Max that if he wanted to hit his sister in the head, this would be a more appropriate weapon. Luckily, Max already understands sarcasm. |
In the car, I peeled Caroline's soapy dress off, but she refused a change of clothes. When we arrived at the next party 30 minutes later, she agreed to put on a tshirt, but no pants. Thus, the oh-so-attractive outfit you see before you:
Max tried to make a basket only to have the ball bounce back and hit him in the head. |
It happened again this time |
Daniel figured out an easier way to dunk. |
Ian and Caroline playing catch. I'm telling you, sweetie, this is NOT a fashion statement. |
Max attempts to dunk. |
The living room workouts involve a lot of "core" work - including Caroline's ab workout stretched between the rocking chair and couch (or couch and ottoman, or rocking chair and ottoman).
Sometimes, she stands at the kitchen gate pointing and yelling. We offer her cookies, crackers, milk, water, all to no avail. Finally, in an act of desperation, Joe grabbed the bag of marshmallows that was sitting next to the microwave.
Apparently, that is what she wanted. (And, yes, I know that marshmallows can be choking hazards - these are the mini marshmallows. I'm not THAT bad a mother!)
I love the updates...very entertaining and well written...