Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary, Toy Boat

After all the exercise at gymnastics, Grandma invited the Salvateenies to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Toy Boat dessert cafe.  They were celebrating by offering free kids' ice cream cones to anyone who could say "toy boat" 10 times fast (we couldn't), plus free rides on their mechanical race horse until 5pm, and a party starting at 6.  So, of course, we got there at 4:57 and left by 5:40, missing the free rides and the party.  That's ok - the rides only cost 50 cents a pop and the Teenies still share.

Daniel was all rodeo, with one arm up in the air

"Look, Grandma! One hand!"

Max smiles for the camera

Then it's back to focussing on his ride

"Good horse!"

Caroline learned to look both ways before crossing

When they were not on the horse, they explored every corner of the little shop.

They were especially drawn to the balloons - at one point, Daniel wound himself round in a balloon string and a nice grandmotherly woman jumped to his aid and frantically tried to get the ribbon off his neck.  She then proceeded to watch us the whole time we were there, ready to pounce if another kid was in trouble.  I'm not sure if she thought we might just need the help, or if she thought I was the worst mother in the world.  Either way, the babies explored the shop and got home unscathed

But not before BANANA SHAKES!

When we got home, I made dinner and called everyone to their chairs.  Daniel and Caroline toddled right over and climbed in, but Max decided he wanted to stay and watch tv:

He even curled his legs up behind him at one point like he was at a slumber party.  SO CUTE.

And while we're dealing with cute pictures - Caroline was very excited to try on Grandpa's hat the other day - even if she wore it backwards!

And today she decided to strip down again at the end of nap time (we have an ADORABLE picture of her, grinning, demurely holding her onesie just so to protect her innocence - but I will refrain from sharing that in the hopes that at some point in her teen years she will appreciate my discretion and skip one eye roll).

Look how sad she was when her clothes got put back on:

It's like a criminal line-up for adorable little girls in pink.  Poor little nudist girl.  I promise, we will take you to Baker Beach someday.