Saturday, August 13, 2011


The babies and I spent Saturday together.  Before Daddy left for work, Max decided to show off a new trick:

Yep!  Max pulled himself up onto his feet!  Caroline didn't want to be outshone, so she started crawling a little bit up on her knees, but normally, she crawls commando-style on her belly:

She even does it when she's zipped up in her swaddle!  It's kind of hilarious.

It was a busy day around the house - the workers were installing sheetrock downstairs in Uncle Kelly's apartment, and out front the City is paving the street.  The boys, being boys, were instantly interested in all the heavy machinery - they moved up the street first with a jackhammer truck pounding holes in the pavement, then with a digger/picker-upper truck scooping up the pieces of pavement, then a pusher-type truck to spread out the dirt, and finally a roller to flatten it all out (can you tell I was never a little boy - I understand they learn the actual names of all those trucks!).  All of this was followed by cement truck and the laborers spreading the cement around and evening it.  Once the boys got involved watching, Caroline decided she did not want to be left out. 

And so this was the scene in my front window:

I only wish I could've gotten a shot from out front!

Eventually the construction lost its appeal, but Caroline didn't think this was any reason for the entertainment to end!  She started in on what must've been a swell comedy routine, because she had her brothers in stitches:

That's right - my daughter the prop comic!

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