Tuesday I thought I'd get out and visit Sam, since she always comes to see us. After naptime and lunch, we tucked everyone into their car seats. We've been leaving the infant carriers in the cars now and toting the babies down to lock them in, since they are just too heavy as one piece. This does raise the level of difficulty, however, since we have to buckle Max into the middle seat across one of the other seats. There's also the matter of Miss Caroline, who has taken to locking every possible joint in the full straight position and wailing at the top of her lungs whenever she has to be buckled into anything - and in the car seat we're buckling her in from the side! Keep track - this is the first time I've put them in the car seats.
We got to Sam's in no time and brought the babies inside to play with Junior. Caroline was having a fit, but calmed down after some Tylenol. Then Sam's husband Mike showed up, and the boys went insane. Every time he said ANYTHING, the boys burst into wailing tears. They've met Mike a number of times and have always really liked him - this was amazingly odd. So we abandoned our plan to head to the park with Mike and decided to feed the babies a little early and then head out to do a little shopping. Back in the car seats (count, time two into the car seats with screaming Caroline) and out to Target for the first stop.
At Target, the boys got to be in the double stroller and Caroline was in the Bjorn. The babies got the normal amount of oohing and ahhing. Now they're starting to meet more babies their own age, which is fun. We did all the shopping we needed, including a new cabinet to store toys in in the living room. Much needed, to be sure! We wanted to buy more baby food, so we set off for Babies R Us next. Count three times with screaming Caroline into the car seat.
Max cried the full three blocks to BRU, so I put him in a carrier snuggled in against me and let Caroline ride in the double stroller. Caroline was not so pleased with this part, but she settled in. After our shopping, we put them back in the car (time four) and back to Sam's house for dinner and bottles. Once they were in the house, they went crazy again - screaming. I stripped them down to their diapers, which I changed, in case that was the problem. It only got worse when Mike came out to try to help.
A rare moment when they're not openly screeching |
So sad they're turning their back on Sam, taking the picture |
Waaah |
They even got Junior to cry with them! |
Want to hear them crying?
They wouldn't let Mike OR Sam feed them, so I had to figure out a way to feed all three of them at the same time:
Caroline suffered through being put in the car seat one more time, and cried all the way to and across the San Mateo Bridge, followed by occasional ragged gulps to remind me she'd been sobbing earlier, in case I'd forgotten. So sad.
Wednesday, we decided to have the visitors at home instead. Matt & Lauren, my former students, came over with their moms (and burritos - yummm). Matt & Lauren hadn't seen the babies since December, so they were much more active and chatty this time around.
Caroline tries out tortilla chips |
Max is digging his chip, too. Daniel is upset he didn't get one. |
Max is checking to see if Lauren is getting any new teeth |
Matt and Daniel |
Deep in conversation |
All smiles |
Smiling with Lauren |
Everyone was nice enough to stay and help with dinner (the first attempt at all "table food" - ground turkey, rice, and green beans...Caroline and Max carried on about halfway through their meals. Daniel finished every grain!) and played with them all.
When it was back to just me and the babies, I got them settled down to play and took the opportunity to call Sam and see how she was doing in the aftermath of our scream-fest. In the middle of the call, I got a call-waiting beep and switched over. Nobody responded, but I heard a faint echo of myself saying hello. Then I heard a faint echo of the babies, who were giggling in the other room. And then it hit me, and I merged the calls so Sam could be in on the joke. Max, who was in the other room, playing with a cordless extension of the home phone, had somehow hit the right series of keys to call my cell phone! I almost passed out I was laughing so hard!
What? Me? I didn't call you? But, while you're here - can I have the real car keys for a moment? |
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