Sunday, July 28, 2013

Drawing - style and imagination

The kids love drawing with crayons, and they all have very specific "styles".

Today, while I was at the Giants game, Uncle texted me that Caroline was drawing "a yellow house with green grass and a blue Daniel".  I asked if I would have been able to tell that without her narration, and he answered no I would not have, nor would I have known that "the yellow crayon is sleeping because it's tired."  Caroline does that a lot - often she will use just two crayons and she will make them dance and have conversations as if she were playing with dolls.

Here's the picture - what do you think?

(That's a yellow Daddy, red and blue Mommy, blue Daniel, green Max, and red Caroline up top, courtesy of Uncle.)

After dinner, Caroline wanted to draw again and her brothers were quick to copy her.  I gave Caroline 12 colors, the fancy art museum crayons her grandmother had given her as a gift.  Max got a brand new 8-pack of "Jumbo Crayons" and I offered Daniel the rest of the tub of crayons.  I was concerned that we were about to have a meltdown when Daniel insisted on using the crayons Caroline had, until Caroline voluntarily offered to let Daniel use all but the red and pink crayons she had - she kept passing me colors saying, "Daniel need blue...Daniel need 'nother blue..." etc.

Max pulled his crayons out one by one and made them dance and talk to each other:

Daniel focused on each color individually with a very deliberate drawing and minimal overlap:

Caroline, with just her red and pink crayons, started out just having them dance and play with each other.  Then she started drawing and told me she was drawing a cat.  Eventually, she had a bunch of cats on the page (she counted them out, "One, two, five, six!").  She told me she wanted them to come off her page and play in her house, but that couldn't happen.  I pointed out it COULD happen in her imagination if she wanted.  She thought for a moment, then squealed as she said, "There goes my kitty!"

(each largish swirl represents a cat)

After a bit of "watching" them roam around the room and meowing at them, it was time for them to get back on her paper.  So she pointed at a cat somewhere in the room with her crayon like it was a magic wand and said, with purpose, "Cat get back my paper!" and then took the crayon and "drew" the cat back onto the page.  She made sure I knew where the cats were she was targeting - a few were on the floor, one was on the newspapers, one was even on Daniel's head!  Eventually, we got them all back.

The cats may have multiplied during their visit to the dining room.


After reading the above entry, Boppy printed out Caroline's original cat drawing and searched it to see how many cats he could find.

Here's what he came up with:

from this:

And the question is, whose creativity does that prove?  (Also, how did he miss the face of the other one in pink off to the left???)

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