Monday, November 21, 2011


Time is flying!  I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving -- I am really not looking forward to a few years from now when I have to actually worry about buying holiday presents for the Salvateenies!  Right now they have so many toys that we don't know what to do with them all, and they don't have a concept of opening gifts anyway.  But some day....

Enough of that!  This month started out with the babies' first election!  We loaded them up in their strollers and walked the block over to our polling pace.  Unfortunately, they were in fuzzy PJs and the sun decided to come out on our walk, so they were a little uncomfortable.  But everyone was excited to meet them at the garage where we were assigned to vote!

They blocked the entrance, but nobody seemed to mind

Caroline enjoyed playing with her "I Voted" sticker

Max was pondering the propositions

Daniel was NOT happy about the early returns

The next week or so became a blur of teething and colds.  Caroline had a "go see" for a clothing company over in Oakland, but she was not at the top of her personality game and we did not get a call back.  Oh well - we'll just have to keep all that cute to ourselves a bit longer!

Grandpa came over this past weekend to help out and he snapped a few photos with his iPhone:

Caroline and Max watching "The Good Night Show"

In the bath

Getting her hair washed

Max is singing in the tub again!

Caroline did not seem to enjoy having her hair rinsed

Max (in front) and Daniel showing off that they really do have different hair lines

Daniel's curls, post-bath

Caroline's post-bath curliness

And that night, the 'teenies decided to hang out in their high chairs and snack on Cheerios while Mommy and Daddy had dinner.

Nice hair accessory you have there, Caroline

Two smiling babies!


I wonder what she's so suspicious of?
 Just eating the Cheerios wasn't enough for Daniel, though, who insisted on being given a spoon to "practice" with.

Umm, I think that's backwards...

On Sunday, our friends the Evans came over to give us their beds.  This year, Santa is bringing Ian and Quynn new beds, and they decided that Max and Daniel and Caroline should inherit their old ones.  Ian had a bunk bed, so we set that up in the room that will eventually be the boys' - you never know when you'll need an extra bed, like maybe when one of the babies just REFUSES to sleep and you need to lie down with him to get him to sleep (ahem, MAX, I'm talking to you!)

After assembling the bunkbed, loading the mattresses on it (there's an extra there for Caroline's bed, which is still in the basement) and all the inherited linens, we all went to lunch at Mel's Diner.   It was perfect, there were enough high chairs for everyone, and a seemingly endless supply of spoons for them to gnaw on and play with!




Herb helped Daniel drink some milk

Daniel and Ian were practicing their baby fist bumps

Quynn made sure Caroline got enough to eat

Mommy was on Max patrol


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