Sunday was May Day and we had beautiful weather to go with it. It was also the first time in over three weeks that I didn't have any plans to take the babies out of the house. The whole baby wardrobe situation had gotten a little out of hand and I needed a day dedicated to just getting it under control. Anyone who's been in a house with three kids (let alone three babies) can imagine that focussing on one major task - especially one that involves working IN the nursery - is difficult to do alone. Anyone who knows me knows that getting a major task done requires a lot of planning and supervision ... I am easily distracted.
So, I invited the Goldins, Laura and Alexa, to visit and watch the babes. And I invited Sam and Junior to come over because Sam is uber-organized and good at folding baby clothes, and because I wanted her to "shop" through the things my boys have outgrown and claim things she wanted for Junior. Sam was nervous about driving into the City by herself, so she invited her mother-in-law Nina to come by.
We visited for a while, and we all ate lunch, and then - with occasional breaks to feed, change, and cuddle babies, we proceeded to examine EVERY PIECE OF BABY CLOTHING IN THE HOUSE and separate out a full box of baby girl clothes and two boxes of baby boy clothes to go to the next mom or to Good Will, a box of clothes for the babies to grow into, a box of clothes for Junior, and a newly organized dresser - one drawer for Daniel, one drawer for Max, and two drawers for Caroline - already a clothes-horse.
Laura asked the trick question - "how long will this organization last?" I'm hoping it lasts past the next load of laundry...
Here is the photo-journal of the day:
Junior and Caroline strike similar poses |
Checking out Junior's Mama |
Junior is trying to steal focus from Miss Caroline |
But Caroline swerves |
I think it looks like she's dancing - right down to the serious concentration overbite |
Caroline wants to get him back |
But they finally see eye-to-eye |
Or do they? Caroline ATTACKS! |
Max had no reason to pout while hanging out with Laura - I think he just didn't want me to divert attention |
Daniel got to hang out with Nina |
Here's Sam with two babies again - last time it was Junior and Max, this time Junior and Caroline. I guess we know who needs to be in the picture next visit! |
Laura is still trying to figure out why Max was pouting in that last picture |
Nina and Junior discussed all the better ways of turning a plastic water bottle into a musical instrument. |
Later Sunday night, we were watching CNN. A lot of the commentary seemed to center on the belief that Americans everywhere would remember "where they were when" they heard the news that Osama Bin Laden had been killed.
I will remember that I was sitting on the floor, playing with my children, as Max tried to eat Daniel's head:
these pictures? Max has apparently been planning his revenge for a long time...)
Daniel and Caroline holding hands |
Daniel, exhausted by a long day
And after eating, Caroline started screaming at the top of her lungs. She was not happy, and we couldn't figure out why. Until...yes! The second tooth has broken the surface!!! |
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