Monday, March 21, 2011

A Week in the Life...

A few highlights from the past week:

Caroline took a bath.  OK, it's nothing new - she takes a bath at least every week.  So do the others.  I just happened to find this cute post-bath picture on my camera.  I think I took it to highlight her cute little curls up top.  My grandmother Caroline used to tell me stories of giving my aunt a bath, plastering her wet hair down to her head, and watching as it went "ping! ping! ping!" and curled up off her head as it dried.  These little curls reminded me of that story - and of Caroline's namesake.

While we're working with cute pictures of Caroline, the St. Patrick's Day photos didn't catch her in her bib:

There weren't many shots of Daniel this time around - but this one showing off his milk goatee (some people just go for the milk mustache, but Daniel goes for the full chin) was worth sharing:

Then there was Max's evening watching the NCAA Tournament (which we, of course, refer to as "Max Madness"), inspiring his spot-on Jerry Tarkanian impression:

This is what the boys look like when they've just woken up:

Sunday's big adventure was setting up the "jumperoo".  These are pictures of Max trying it out:

As you may be able to tell, his feet do not quite touch the ground, seriously limiting the "jump" portion of the activities.  Unfortunately, the "eroo" part can only entertain him for so long.  Caroline's feet dangle an inch higher in the air, and her patience for the contraption seems to be in direct correlation.  Daniel's toes do touch just enough that he really seems to like the jumperoo, which makes me feel less silly for rushing to set it up.

Since Daniel's feet touch and Max's don't, I suspected that Daniel was a tiny bit taller than Max.  But at today's doctor's appointment, that turned out to not be the case.  Both boys measured at 25 3/4 inches long (in the 25th percentile for 6 month old boys), with heads that are 45cm in circumference (in the 75th percentile).  The only difference is the 4 ounce advantage Daniel has been maintaining the past few months (he is 16 lbs. 4 oz to Max's straight 16 lbs. - also putting them in the 25th percentile for weight).  The doctor commented that she often sees preemies whose head growth catches up a little faster than their body growth does, but we know it's really because they're taking after their Daddy and his big head. :)

Caroline is still bringing up the rear at 25 inches long and 14 lbs 9 oz (with a head circumference of 42cm).  But since girls tend to be a little smaller than boys, this puts her in the 25th percentile too, though her head is only in the 50th percentile.  The doctor was pleased with their symmetrical proportions.

While the doctor is not concerned at all with their growth, she does want to see them again in 3 months to check on their developmental milestones.  They're doing all sorts of impressive things - rolling from back to front (except Max), grabbing things with their hands and passing them hand to hand, pushing up on their hands when they're on their bellies  - but they can't really sit up without someone (or something) propping them up.  Apparently, "most" babies by 6 months are sitting up with some sort of support on their arms/hands.  Our babies topple over when they try.  So that (along with the introduction of solid foods, which is for some reason terrifying me) will be something to practice with them in the next few weeks.

After the appointment, we went to get their shots.  Now that they're used to taking a nap in the afternoon, they were really feeling not having it and were fussy.  But after a brief bit of crying as each got his (or her) shots, they settled back down and were fine.  Later in the evening they all three had little meltdowns and needed about an hour of cuddling before their final feeding, but that might've been because I forgot to give them their tylenol when we got home.

The most surprising thing about the day happened when we were at the pharmacy waiting for Daniel and Caroline's eczema prescription.  Joe was in the waiting area with the babies and I was in line.  A lady stopped to see them and Max, the only one awake at the time, turned on the charm, smiling at her in his flirty little baby way.  She was so impressed, and felt, in her words, "so blessed" to have gotten to meet the babies, that she sent her daughter in to me to give me a $100 bill.  She said she'd won at "the casinos" yesterday and, since we were blessed with triplets, and she'd been blessed to meet them, she thought she should share the good luck.  Definitely a strange encounter!

Let's see what this next week holds for us!

1 comment:

  1. Such a wonderful update, Edith! That's great they're growing so well and progressing in everything. They will be sitting up in no time. Emma was always a tad bit small (5 lb., 2 oz. when we brought her home), so Caroline is doing just fine! And what a wild thing to get handed a $100! :-) HUGS! ... Baby No. 2 here might be breech so I could be headed for a c-section first week of May. See you soon!
