I hear you! Enough with the introspective wordy posts - we want pictures! Well, ask and ye shall receive!
Daniel and Max (from L to R) - hanging out and looking identical |
Colleen, smiling at Daniel, who's smiling at Colleen |
I'm sure it won't be the last time his imagination is captured by a pretty girl |
(at least he didn't drool -- this time) |
Getting cuddles from Kellie |
Showing off her first dress with Auntie Lee Ann (who can show her how to "work it" with her fashion sense!) |
Showing off her second dress with Grandma Hene - two Ladies in Red! |
Wonderful new entries, Edith! I've been away for five days and am just getting caught up. You're doing such a great job and I can't even imagine all the challenges. I'd love to come see you guys sometime this winter when I'm in the city. Sending love and hugs your way!
We'd love for you to come!