March 26, 2010: The "normal" intake appointment
It's amazing to me how frazzled some people can be. We had our "3I" appointment today - the normal pregnancy intake appointment (and when most KP patients would've probably had their first ultrasound). The Nurse Practitioner we saw was sort of all over the place. She had our chart, which clearly pointed out we were having triplets AND that we hadn't made a decision about whether or not to reduce (or at least that we hadn't told the clinic about yet), and yet she proceeded to sort of ooh and ahh and "oh aren't they cute" all over the ultrasounds. Luckily we were about 90% sure we were staying with all three...but still, not the most professional of reactions!
She seemed a little confused about what we'd already had done and what needed to be ordered yet, but she did set me up with an appointment to learn to do blood pressure monitoring and another one with the dietician to make sure I'm getting all the proper nutrients.
And she gave us some new pictures of the babies:
Baby A:

Baby A's Heartbeat:
Baby B:
Baby B's Heartbeat:

I really love that you're doing this! When you're on bed rest, I'm sure we'll get lots more posts!! Is it ok to pick a favorite at this point? I think I like B.. maybe because I'm a middle child, too :)