The kids have been really into the Presidential election this year. It occurred to me when I was watching an interview with Hillary Clinton last week that my kids fall into that very specific generation for whom she is poised to not only be the first female President, but also to be the first white President they have ever known.
This is a collection of reactions the kids have had recently:
At dinner after the first debate:
Daniel: Is Donald Trump always versus everybody?
Me: What do you mean?
Daniel: Like, was Donald Trump versus Obama?
Me: No, this is the first time he's running for President, Obama ran against somebody else.
Daniel: Oh, was it a different girl Obama was versus?
Because that's just normal for him, that it could've been "another girl" running for President.
After their first game of Monopoly:
While Caroline was pretty conservative about her acquisitions, Max and Daniel were quite aggressive in buying properties and relished in collecting rent. Then at bedtime, Daniel asked, "is that really what Donald Trump is like, buying everything and then making people pay him for it? I don't want to be like that."
About two weeks into the school year:
Caroline just shared that her new friend Becca told her that "Hillary Clinton has to go like this
[waves her arms in front of her chest kind of like a robot] so that she doesn't get hit by Donald Trump's gun." Then she asked, "Does Donald Trump really have a gun? Is he going to win?"
I was not prepared for this conversation at 6am.
They also really love my "Hillary Kitty" tshirt - a Hello Kitty dressed as Hillary Clinton in an adorable blue power suit and a short blonde haircut.
They now ask every adult they see if they're voting for Hillary Clinton, and when they get a YES, they give high fives. I worry what may happen if we ever meet a NO.