Monday, January 18, 2016

Caroline's Rooftop Celebration

Caroline had a scary cough going from the beginning of January - she missed three days of school the first week back and two days the next week.  She went to the doctor a couple of times and was prescribed some inhalers to help her breathe.  On MLK, Jr Day, I took her back to the clinic to see her doctor. 

She was thrilled, as each of them always is, with the one-on-one time and she begged to park on the roof of the parking structure.  After the appointment, she asked for permission to explore the roof and was generally adorable as she ran around.  

And then she dissolved into a coughing fit and we used her inhaler and went home.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Somehow, without having seen any of the Star Wards movies and never really being that interested in the cartoons, the kids were caught in the thrall of the new Episode VII movie.  I blame the ubiquitous marketing, especially as they chanted, in unison, "Star Wars: A Force Awakens, in theaters December 18th"

So, I ordered them the DVDs and Uncle and Wendy came over three nights in a row to watch the original movies.  I quickly saw how silly I had been to worry about them being afraid - "Finding Nemo" is easily ten times scarier than any of the Star Wars movies.  And you truly have not lived until you have been in the dark with three five year olds giggling when they first encounter Yoda in Empire Strikes Back or any time that Ewoks are on screen in Return of the Jedi. 

Then we all got together to go to the neighborhood theater and watch the new one, which awesomely had these cut outs in the lobby for pictures.

They loved the movie and followed along well.

Over the next month, when the kids were bad, I would warn them, "You don't want me to have to use the force on you, do you?" and they would turn to me, grab their throats, and mock choke and fall to the floor.

A fun side-story from our visit to the theater is that I was putting on my make up in the car before we went in and Max asked, "Why are you putting on make up when we're just going to the movies with Grandma and Boppy?" I told him I always like to look pretty and besides, what if I saw someone at the movies and they wanted to ask me out to dinner?  

Max solved this problem, "No, Mommy, if you meet someone you just asked them, "Do you like me? I'm CUTE!"  And lord help us, that is totally going to work for Max one day...