Boppy mentioned to the kids that they ought to have a lemonade stand for the big Outside Lands concert in Golden Gate Park. Unfortunately (for the purposes of lemonade stand foot traffic), we are a bit too far out to have gotten many visitors, but they made good, yummy lemonade from the Meyer lemons Greg gave us from his tree, and they selected three different types of "mix-ins" - raspberries, blueberries, or baby marshmallows, and they set off to make a sale.
Unfortunately, nobody came by, but they advertised door to door and convinced a couple of neighbors to buy and felt successful, and that's what matters, right?
The first day that I had to go back to school, the kids had tickets to see the Giants take on the Astros. Since I couldn't go, they invited their friend Jeweletta and her mom, Janel, meaning the boys and girls were even - three a piece.
Janel, Caroline, and Buster Jeweletta |
The girls in the parking lot |
And one day while I was at work, they convinced Uncle to let them wash the car. With sponges, but no water, it seems. It sparkled up to about three and a half feet high.