The kids jumped on the Frozen bandwagon early and then they let it go, so to speak, for a while. Then, at their birthday, Wendy gave Caroline a singing, light up Queen Elsa dress. The next day, she insisted on putting it on and running into the living room to greet her brothers.
Max looked up at her, gasped and said, "Caroline! You are a PRINCESS!"
Then her belated birthday presents came in the mail (a package! a package! - the kids LOVE when the mailman brings packages!) and she got to add a tiara and scepter (or, in her words, a crown and wand) to the outfit.
She could not have been more excited to wear her fancy outfit, especially when it came time to go to the Frozen Sing-along with Grandma, Boppy, Uncle & Wendy (and Mommy and her brothers, of course).
Let's go! |
Before the movie started, they had a kids' costume parade across the stage. There were SO MANY people dressed up that the line had to be halted at one point to give kids time to get off the stage. And it stopped right when Wendy and Caroline were in the middle of the stage, so she got the opportunity to practice her Queen Elizabeth wave.
Max and Daniel were in their Olaf tshirts - and it'd be cruel to force them to sit in their seats while basically every other kid in the theater walked across the stage, so Uncle took them up to parade as well.
It was a long day and Max drank A LOT of soda. And he wouldn't use the potty at the theater. And it was a long drive home. I'll let you fill in the gaps of how the story ends, but suffice it to say I now have waterproof pads on the car seats!