During my Winter Break this year, I tried to keep the kids busy. We started out the first day with hair cuts, then it was Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We set up some play dates with friends and visited playgrounds.
And then on Saturday we met Auntie Lee Ann at Zoo Lights. Zoo Lights is an after-hours program at the zoo. Most of the animal exhibits are off limits, but the new playground was open along with reindeer and some fake snow! It was a chilly night and, very unfortunately, I forgot the bag with all the ski caps and mittens right by the door on the way out of the house. As I was getting everyone out of the car and ready to go in, Max said to me, "Mommy! We need our hats!" I laughed and said, "I know! But I forgot them at home - wasn't that silly?" He rolled his eyes in exasperation and responded, "Jesus Christ!" Oops - I think we need to better monitor what gets said around their little ears! Luckily, we had some baseball caps in the car!
High Fives for the bear! |
Max up front! |
Our first stop was the carousel!
By the playground, there is a tent set up that had an area for Santa to visit, but sadly he'd already headed back home to the North Pole. No worries - the kids were happy to fill in for him!
And then they all played in the fake snow!
Even catching it on tongues! |
After a lot of playing (and one moment when I thought Daniel was with Auntie and she thought he was with me, and I found him hanging out with a pretty zoo employee who complimented him on staying "very calm" while they waited to find me), we went back to Santa's living room for a few more checks on the presents and snowball fights by the tree.
Caroline checking out the night time animals. |
On Monday, we ventured down to Mountain View to Gymnastics Camp, which was the kids' gift from Pam. They were super excited to get to do camp, but Caroline was a little apprehensive and asked if I was going to go with her. I pointed out that they were bigger now than they had been over the summer when Uncle and I had participated with them in classes and she nodded that she agreed, but then asked, "But you can come with us, right?" It surprised me because she is definitely the most independent of the three of them.
I shouldn't have worried. The minute we got into the gym she was ready to peel off her socks and shoes and get to work!
They ran on the floor to wait, not knowing they'd mistakenly joined the "big girls" camp. |
They were actually so ready to leave me behind that I was able to sneak away with Pam to get a pedicure and have lunch before we went back.
Caroline visiting herself in the mirror |
Max and his hula hoop |
Daniel and the hula hoop |
Everyone did gymnastics and played, had a snack and made an ornament for the tree and then we all got fries for the ride home!
The final weekend of break, we made a play date to meet Gavin and his mommy to see Frozen. Sadly, Gavin was not thrilled with the movie and they left after only about ten minutes. Happily, though, the Salvateenies had a blast at the show, staying in their seats and chomping on popcorn and sucking on soda through the whole thing. They laughed at the right times and gasped when it got scary (but it never got TOO scary for them) and had a great time for their second movie.
On the way out, they saw a poster for the new Captain America movie (Winter Soldier) and ran over to check out the big shield. Unfortunately, I didn't get them all facing me and smiling at the same time, but I think they (and Uncle) look pretty adorable, even if they are a bit fuzzy.
After the movie, we hit the mall to visit Target and wander around a bit. This is when we were confronted with every parent's nightmare - the coin-operated ride-on toys! Luckily, between the two of us, Uncle and I had enough coins to give the kids a handful of rides.
Max and Bob the Builder hard at work |
Daniel in the ATV |
Caroline chug-chugging away on the train |
Max driving the recycling truck |
Caroline's inside sorting the recycling |
Daniel and Bob the Builder |
Whew! What a vacation!