Since they started talking, all three kids have called me "Mommy". Until recently. Out of nowhere, Caroline started calling me "Mama" from time to time. I'd like to think it's because that's what I call my own mother and my daughter and I have a sort of bond. Or that she's heard me call my mom that and wants to copy me. But I'm pretty sure it's because some other little girl at school probably calls HER mother "mama". Either way, it's interesting that she's chosen to do it and the boys haven't.
Caroline has also gotten to be pretty savvy about "the shops" as she calls them. The other day we were reading a book about a little girl getting ready for her first dance class. She goes with her mother to buy ballet slippers and a tutu. This prompted Caroline to turn to me and say, "You could buy me swippers for my dance cwass, Mama. You could buy them at the shop!"
She's always so thoughtful that way, making sure I know I have permission to get her what she wants.
Two nights ago, she saw an ad for a Little Mermaid doll and instantly decided she HAD to have it. Mind you, she's never seen the Little Mermaid aside from the fact that she's pictured on some of her diapers, but nonetheless, she LOVES her.
"Mommy, I want my mermaid doll."
"You don't have a mermaid doll, sweetie."
"But I WANT it. Pweeeze, Mama, I want a mermaid doll."
"Not today, Caroline, maybe for Christmas."
"Maybe tomorrow? You could buy it for me tomorrow. You could buy it at the shop!"
"No, sweetie. Tomorrow the stores will be closed for Thanksgiving. We're going to Grandma and Grandpa's house to eat turkey, remember?"
"NO! I want my mermaid doll! You go to the shop and you buy it right now!"
After an hour of this, she'd forgotten, until we watched the movie again the next day and the ad came back on…
Tonight, at least, she attempted to use her powers of persuasion for her brother's benefit. As I was tucking everyone in for bed and asking which of their MANY stuffed animals they wanted to snuggle with, Caroline asked for her unicorn. Then Max asked for a unicorn and I laughed and teased him, "You don't have a unicorn, Max!"
"You could get him a unicorn at the store tomorrow, Mama."
Well, yes, I could. Or I could tuck him in with his puppy, teddy bear, rabbit, broccoli, pink monkey, reporter dog, otter, Goofy, horsie, and two Sportacus dolls and assume he's covered.