Friday, May 31, 2013


We have entered the superhero phase.  Uncle introduced the 'Teenies to the Justice League a few months ago, and while Caroline seems to be the only one who really pays attention to the cartoons, the boys both periodically climb up to the shelf where the remotes are held, select the Roku remote that Uncle uses, and hold it out to me asking, "Superheroes???"

But Caroline is definitely the biggest fan.  She got very excited the first time she saw my new DC superhero socks - she didn't immediately identify Superman, but was excited that I had "triangle socks" - Wonder Woman she recognized right away.  In fact, she likes them so much we decided to get her a pair of Wonder Woman pajamas of her very own.

(note the totally awesome skirt!)

This is before the red in her lips evaporated in the wash...
Caroline calls these her "Wonderman PJs" - a feminist already.  We bought the boys Batman and Superman PJs, but they are currently in an it-must-be-my-Thomas-the-Train-PJs-or-I-will-never-stop-wailing phase.

The other day, Uncle had the Justice League on in the living room while the kids had lunch in the dining room.  There was some sort of noise on TV and a very concerned Caroline called out, "Uncle! Oh no! Hawk Girl fall down!"without even seeing the episode.

The boys' current favorite superhero (or "better than average hero") is Lazy Town's Sportacus.  In fact, when we bought the Sportacus doll, they fought over it so much the first day that I immediately went online to buy a second one.  Of course, by the time the second one arrived, Daniel had agreed to let Max have Sporticustody, so now Max has two of those dolls.

See?  Daniel has Robbie Rotten, Max has the Sportici and they're both sporting the Tommy PJs.
But Max embraced the DC world the other day when he picked up a little gift box someone had given us that had Batman on it.  After turning it over a few times, he held it up in front of him so that I could see Batman's head on Max's shoulders, got my attention, and then lowered his voice to the bassest, gravelliest, scariest version I'd ever heard and said, "I'm Batman" with an affect that would've made Christian Bale proud.

And then he dissolved into giggles.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ready for Paragraphs

Last night, during dinner, Caroline was her normal chatterbox self.  But as she kept talking, it occurred to me that she was pretty much narrating a perfect first grade "tell me about yourself" paragraph.  Here's (roughly, from memory) what she said:

"Hi, Mommy.  I Carenowine.  I hab two brothers.  My brothers Mass and Done-yo.  This my house.  I lib my house.  This Mommy Daddy's house.  Daddy at work at radio statiom.  Daddy work baseball game.  Mommy work school."

Just add a little bit about likes and dislikes (ok, and maybe sprinkle the verb "to be" in there a couple of times) and you're good to go!