After making it through 9 full innings at the A's on Wednesday, we were hopeful for a similar success at the Giants on Saturday. The only snag was that Joe would be working. This complicates matters in two ways - first, we have to get there around 9 and can't leave until 6 - a long day for the 'teenies; second, Daddy is not available to sit with us in the stands.
Unlike at the A's, where we were lucky enough to get complimentary tickets, we had to buy tickets to the Giants. I was picky about seat location - I wanted to be near enough to the Press Box for Joe to keep an eye on us (and so we could visit with my fans and sort of use the PB as our "home base"), but under the overhang and out of danger of sun, rain, or foul balls (none of the above threatened us). This left us with tickets that cost $80 a piece! No way we were going to spend $80 for a ticket just to put a car seat in it with a potentially sleeping baby!
So, we enlisted Auntie Lee Ann and her friend Sabrina and each of us strapped a baby on in a carrier...Problem Solved!
Caroline took a nap in Auntie's arms before the game:
Daniel and Max (asleep), in the stroller pre-game:
Lee Ann and Sabrina strike their Charlie's Angels pose (baby edition)
Daniel was riding with Mommy:
After walking around to say hi to folks, we grabbed some food for the grown ups and popped back into the Press Box to feed babies and ourselves. Even after filling up on a full bottle, Caroline was mesmerized by Lee Ann's food.
Daniel got to hang out with his grandma:
We went back outside in the third inning and sat for a little while on the third base side so we could visit with some friends:
And then we headed over to our seats on the first base side, stopping so Lee Ann and Sabrina could pose for their Charlie's Angels with Babies and Booze shot:
Daniel graduated to the fuzzy hat in these seats:
Caroline wore many hats:
This one was a rally cap, which helped the Giants score a run in the ninth:
Caroline and Max seemed to be quite fond of their buddies:
While Daniel and I just looked tired:
Sadly, the Giants lost. On Wednesday, the A's were trailing 5-1, but rallied to make it 5-3 in the ninth. I noted the symmetry when the Giants entered the bottom of the ninth down 5-1 and was a little nervous when they mounted a rally - what would it mean if the home team lost 5-3 in both of the Salvateenies' games. Well, it probably wouldn't have meant anything, but we'll never know, since the Giants ended up losing 5-2.
After the crowd emptied out, we went back behind the plate to take some pictures with the field behind us. I take these pictures of people all day long when I am working, so we asked super-usher Margaret to do the honors. In preparation, we had to extricate the babies from their carriers, and then remove the carriers from our bodies. Not an easy feat. In the process, Caroline's hat fell into a puddle of beer. Luckily, we had a spare:
They actually are all wearing Giants shirts, and Caroline even has little black and orange ruffled bottoms, but you can't tell because we had to put on their sweatshirts.
Next, I wanted to get a picture of Daniel and Lee Ann together, since both were wearing tshirts that said "Property of SF Giants". So we had to take Daniel's sweatshirt off, and it promptly toppled into the puddle of beer.
Then he spit up all over himself, Lee Ann, and the walkway. I didn't see it happen, but I heard the "splat". He ended up being the only baby who needed a wardrobe change:
I can't quite tell if he looks contrite or if he's bowed his head to pray, expecting a meal to come soon.
It did - Lee Ann and I fed the babies at 5 and they made it all the way until Daddy got off work at 6, out to the parking lot, into the car, and home before melting down. And even then, it was a mild meltdown.
All in all, a very successful day (except for the Giants).